El listado https://www.altmetric.com/top100/2017/ se basa en las menciones que se hacen de los artículos, la frecuencia con la que se comparte en los medios sociales: blogs, redes sociales, foros de revisión de publicación por pares, gestores de referencia en línea, etc. Podemos filtrar los artículos por país (hay 6 en los que participa alguna institución española), materia o institución.
Top 10 articles de 2017:
1. Debunking the myths of common low-fat diets: It’s sugar and carbs that makes you fat.
2. One in two PhD students experiences psychological distress; one in three is at risk of a common
psychiatric disorder.
3. Patients treated by female doctors are less likely to die.
4. Scientists used the gene-editing tool CRISPR to remove a deadly heart disease mutation from human embryos.
5. Women’s reluctance to engage with ‘brilliance’ may be the result of the influence of stereotyping on children’s impressions.
6. The decline in flying insects has been much more extensive and rapid that previously realized – more than 75 percent over 27 years.
7. Obesity amongst children and adults has risen tenfold globally in just 40 years.
8. A Feathered Dinosaur Tail with Primitive Plumage Trapped in Mid-Cretaceous Amber. Get your teeth into it! This study revealed a Dinosaur
species had teeth that it lost as it aged.
9. Testing of an Ebola vaccine during the West African outbreak found that it was completely effective – offering hope should the virus return.
10. The development of an artificial womb for lambs has opened new possibilities for their application amongst humans.
Los temas más recurrentes en 2017 han sido:
- Ciencias de la Salud (53)
- Biología (17)
- Medio ambiente (9)
- Humanidades (8)
Para más información consulte a apobil@us.es
Autor de la noticia: Sección de Apoyo de la Biblioteca a la Investigación.